The Howell Public Schools has adopted the 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning™ Framework for teacher evaluations.
The research base for the evaluation framework, instrument, and process. [Section 1249(3)(a)]
The identity and qualifications of the author or authors. [Section 1249(3)(b)]
Evidence of Reliability, Validity and Efficacy. [Section 1249(3)(c)]
Evaluation Framework and Rubric. [Section 1249(3)(d)]
A description of the processes for collecting evidence, conducting evaluation conferences, developing performance ratings, and developing performance improvement plans. [Section 1249(3)(e)]
Description of Plan for Providing Evaluators and Observers with Training. [Section 1249(3)(f)]
For More Information
Posting and Assurances Guidelines
Howell Public Schools 5D+ Teacher Evaluation Handbook 2022/2023
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