
Office of Instructional Services 
District Assessment

Howell Public Schools assesses student achievement and needs in designated subject areas to determine the progress of students and to assist them in attaining District goals.

The following documents are designed to guide and communicate to its stakeholders the district assessments.

District Assessments for Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring 

These and other assessments are used for periodic benchmarking with At-Risk, Title I and students with disabilities to show incremental progress.

 - DIBELS (Reading fluency) Grades K-2
 - Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Testing K-10

State Assessments

HPS staff strictly follow the MDE Assessment Integrity Guideline as protocols for administering all state assessments, which include:

M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress) (for grades 3-8 and 11)

M-STEP MI-Access 

WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment for Michigan) 

 MDE Assessment Integrity Guidelines 

MDE Three Year Testing Schedule (WIDA, M-STEP, MME, SAT, PSAT, ACT WorkKeys 2019-2021 


Contact Elson Liu, Executive Director of Instructional Services [email protected] 
or Robin Peterson [email protected]

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