Visual Arts

Elem Art 1Elem Art 2Elem Art 3Elem Art 5

As any good teacher knows, children learn with all their senses, and much research has been done on the importance of visual learning to student success in every subject.

Our elementary art classes are based on a number of proven national programs. One, Visual Thinking Strategies, uses art to teach critical thinking skills. Students learn how to form an opinion, express it to the class, and support their view with several pieces of evidence. Another, Harvard Project Zero–Artful Thinking, uses art projects to support thoughtful learning and good “thinking habits” in the arts and across other school subjects.

Elementary art classes follow National Core Arts Standards, a K-12 program for visual arts as well as music, theater, and dance that links art projects back to common core standards for basic reading, writing, and math skills.

In Kindergarten, Project-Based Learning gives our youngest students a full drawing immersion in the art room. Clearly, the better students draw, the faster they learn, and they begin to see how different skills fit together to help them solve any problem. For some students, drawing can be as stressful as math, but video drawing sessions take out the stress and make these classes joyful.

National Core Acts Standards
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