Homeless Support

Complies with all mandates and supports for our homeless students and families.


HPS School Board Policy


Children who meet the Federal definition of "homeless" will be provided a free and appropriate public education in the same manner as all other students of the District and will not be stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as homeless.  No homeless student will be denied enrollment based on a lack of proof of residency.  No Board policy, administrative guideline, or practice will be interpreted or applied in such a way as to inhibit the enrollment, attendance, or school success of homeless children.

Homeless students will be provided services comparable to other students in the District including:
     A.  transportation services;
     B.  educational services for which the homeless student meets eligibility criteria including services provided under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act or similar State and local programs, educational programs for children with disabilities, and educational programs for students with limited English proficiency;
     C.  programs in vocational and technical education;
     D.  programs for gifted and talented students
     E.  school nutrition programs
     F.  before and after school programs

The Superintendent will appoint a Liaison for Homeless Children who will perform the duties as assigned by the Superintendent.  Additionally, the Liaison will coordinate and collaborate with the state coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth, as well as with community and school personnel responsible for the provision of education and related services to homeless children and youth.

Any disputes regarding the enrollment or assignment of a homeless student will be referred to the Liaison for expeditious resolution. The Liaison should attempt to resolve disputes within five (5) school days. Any dispute which cannot be resolved by the Liaison should be reported to the State Coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth at the Michigan Department of Education. According to State guidelines, the State Coordinator has an additional five (5) school days from the time of notification to bring about resolution. Individuals not satisfied with the State Coordinator's proposed resolution can appeal such decision to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction within five (5) school days for final resolution of the dispute.

Parent Resources Information for School-Aged Youth and Families Regarding the McKinney Vento Act Know Your Rights under the McKinney Vento Act
The Michigan Department of Eduction (MDE) Homeless website

Parents may contact their school Principal for more information regarding homeless services through HPS.

Homeless Contacts

District Liaison Ms. Linda Cunningham,  517.552.7558

LESA Liaison Ms. Candice Olrich, The Education Project  517.540.6834

Challenger  Mr. Cherry, Principal, and Ms. Wilson, Counselor  517.540.8080

Hutchings  Mr. Malecki, Principal, and Ms. Hogan, Counselor  517.540.8081

Northwest Mr. Munro, Principal, and Ms. Martin, Counselor  517.540.8082

Southwest Ms. Goodwin, Principal, and Ms. Jackson, Counselor  517.540.8083

Three Fires Mr. Starkey, Principal, and Ms. Nemeth, Counselor  517.548.6387

Voyager Ms. Schmidt, Principal, and Ms. Peffer, Counselor  517.540.8084

Highlander Way Dr. Moore, Principal, and Ms. Haaseth, Counselor  517.548.6252

Parker Ms. Poelke, Principal, and Ms. Grabowski, Counselor  517.552.4600

Howell High School Mr. Schrock, Principal  

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