Click the link to enter the Highlander Aquatic and Fitness Center portal for registration:
To register for a lap swim, an open swim, a splash aerobics class, deep water aerobics class, spin class, or yoga class:
- If you have purchased a lap swim pack, open swim pack, splash aerobics pack, deep water aerobics pack, or combo splash+deep water aerobics pack you must log in to your account using your email and password. From there, please select “booking” and then “book a session”. The price will show as $0 for the class that you have a pack for. If the price is not $0, that means your pack has been used up.
- If you have not purchased a pack, please select “Not a Member? Make a Booking”. Please use your same name, phone number, and email address every time you would like to make a booking to avoid creating multiple accounts.
To buy a lap swim pack, open swim pack, splash+deep water aerobics combo pack, cycling class pack, or yoga class pack:
- If you have signed up for a pack before, please use your email and password to login. From there you can select "purchase" and then "buy new membership". Next, select “Swim Memberships” and you will see all the packs we have available.
- If this is your first time registering for swim lessons please select "Signup".
To register for swim lessons:
- If you have signed up for swim lessons before, please use your email and password to login. From there you can select "purchase" and then "buy new membership". Next, select "Swim Lessons" and you will see all the swim lessons available.
- If this is your first time registering for swim lessons please select "Signup".
If there is no "Swim Lessons" tab when attempting to signup, that means our registration has closed. For swim lessons updates please visit our Facebook page (@HighlanderAquaticsCenter), our "Youth Swim Lessons" tab on the webpage, or join our mailing list here.