Youth Swim Lessons

Swim Lesson Session Dates Registration Start Date

February 18-March 20 Thursday, February 6th
 March 22-March 30 NO Lessons, Spring Break
 April 1-May 24 Thursday, March 20th
 May 25-May 31 NO Lessons, last week school
June 2-June 12 Thursday, May 22nd
June 16-June 27 Thursday, May 22nd
 June 27-July 6 NO Lessons, Week July 4th
July 7-17 TBD
July 21-31 TBD

The below links are for Fall and Winter, 2024 Swim Lessons. Please note these days and times are subject to change due to swim instructor availability.

SPONSORED BY METROPARKS: Our current session is full, registration for the next will be on February 6th

MAKEUPS: We have scheduled makeups for our Tuesday, January 21st canceled classes to Monday February 10th, same time as your normal scheduled class on Tuesday would meet. 6:45pm Intermediate 1, 2, and Advanced can either come to a Thursday evening class at the same time or Saturday at 11:10am.
How To Register

New to the program:
1. Go to our registration page here and click on "Signup" or call us 517-540-8085
2. Click on Swim Lessons
3. Find the Class and time slot you want to enroll your child in, click it
4. Fill out the necessary information for your child (there are age limits so you must enroll the correct child in each class)
5. Sign Membership details, contract and waiver details
6. Proceed to add payment information
7. Complete, you should receive an email with all of the information you just signed and the date/times of classes. If you do not please contact us.

Returning to the program:
1. Go to sign in page here
2. Log in
3. Click on the purchase which will prompt a drop down, click on "buy a new membership"
4. Pick Swim Lessons
5. Choose the class/day/time you want
6. If you have purchased in the past online, it will automatically charge your cc for this class when you complete everything. 

Registering more than one child:
1. Go to sign in
2. once you have one child registered on their home page scroll down to add linked family member, and follow the prompts and complete. 
3. If you alreayd have a family member linked, their name will show up and you click Log in as "name"
4. Follow the directions from above to register returning child
Swim Lesson Class Descriptions
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