Highlander Pride


What is Highlander Pride?

For students, it's flying their school colors, cheering at the top of their lungs alongside the Highlander mascot at sporting events. There are plenty, with 80+ sports teams at Howell High and more at Parker and Highlander Way, our middle schools.

For parents, it's expressing the pride they feel in working together to make Howell Schools the best they can be, from PTO involvement to being our strongest advocates for more school funding. It's also taking time to drive their kids statewide to compete with the best and, many times, watching them come out on top.

For alumni, it's showing that they're proud to be a Howell High graduate, and that what they learned—academically, socially, and in team efforts—has been their jumping off point for future success. Alums support student achievement by purchasing logo gear in the Kilt Shop and attending homecoming, graduation, and other special events. For some, it's awarding a scholarship or sponsoring a student-run event.
In the spirit of Highlander Pride, our students give back to the community, raising funds by their own efforts to benefit many causes: food pantries, health walks, veterans' therapy dogs, and Everyday Heroes to honor those who serve in the police, fire, EMS, and military. That same spirit of service inspires businesses and individuals to find creative ways to use their resources to benefit our students.

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