Adaptive Plan

In August 2021 Howell Public Schools formed the #OneHowell Committee to review the district’s current strategic plan and revise it into an adaptive plan that will meet the needs of the district today and in the future. Nearly 90 district stakeholders applied to be part of the committee. After thoroughly reviewing each application, the district's Instruction, Improvement & Innovation (i3) Board Subcommittee used a voting process to select the 23 members of the committee. The committee was made up of parents, staff, Board of Education members, representatives from community organizations, and district administrators.

From October 2021 through March 2022 the #OneHowell Committee met monthly to review and update the district’s strategic plan into an adaptive plan that aligns with the Portrait of a Highlander, which outlines the skills and abilities that students need when they leave Howell Public Schools for the next chapter of their lives. A plan that will allow Howell to come together as one community and one district focused on the well-being of our students.

In short, the #OneHowell Adaptive Plan sets forth the following focus areas and collective priorities:

  • Future Ready Students - Prepare all students to be Future ready — for learning and for life.
  • Engaging, Positive, and Safe Learning Environments - A shared Highlander identity appreciates each student’s individuality and brings all students together.
  • Dynamic Family and Community Engagement - Develop mutually beneficial partnerships between schools, parents, and community members, and communicate positive, helpful information to all groups.
  • Premiere Team of Educators - Attract, develop, and retain an excellent and innovative team of educators.
  • Fiscal and Operational Stewardship - Maintain, modernize, and optimize our facilities and resources through responsible stewardship of our finances.
To view an overview of the #OneHowell Adaptive Plan, please click here.

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